Thursday 5 December 2013

hunger games

Sci-fi conventions in the hunger games.

the narrative theme of anti establishment is present in the hunger games. this is seen in a particular scene   where the people are walkking to sign in to be pick for the games. we have mid shots and log shots of them walking in the masses. the birds eye shot shows the muddy floor giving the impression that it is not a nice place to live. this is then back by the low angle shots of the guards who are stood on platforms above the rest of them. the fact they are being herded tells the audience that there is this anti establishment ideology, as the government is clearly heartless and abuses their power. it is a polysemic text controlling the mass via the media.

as they approach the sign in dest we have an over shoulder shot of the small girl who is probed by some sort of tazar that has a unrealistic sound ,which is a technical convention seen in sci-fi, that possibly has been edited in to sound diegetic. the girl then draws blood and they force her finger on the page leaving a print. the officer then uses some sort of futuristic scanner that registers the blood. this iconography is strongly used throughout many sci-fi films.

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